Ski Country Amateur Radio Club, Inc. is a Colorado nonprofit corporation and IRS 501(c)(3) charitable organization based in Glenwood Springs Colorado. Our repeaters cover a large portion of western Colorado, including Garfield, Eagle, Pitkin and Northern Gunnison counties.

We consist of people of all ages who are interested in ham radio. Most are already ham operators. Volunteer Exam (VE) testing will be offered at our monthly meetings, see below.



Explore our site

We’ve recently moved to a WordPress site, which makes it way easier to keep the site up to date. We’ve reorganized how the site is put together, which we hope makes it easier for you to find information about amateur radio, club meetings, club activities, information about Amateur Radio, and more.

The left sidebar is dedicated to current information – meeting dates and presentation topics, announcements, and various activities of SCARC.

There is a menu bar at the top.

  • Home gets you back to this page.
  • Getting Started has information about getting started in amateur radio, and links to sources of information.
  • Repeaters shows information about K0RV’s linked repeaters and nodes.
  • History has information about SCARC history, including Field Day and a photo scrapbook.
  • Membership shows you how to join SCARC.
  • Posts is an overview of all the Post content available – mostly from the items in the left sidebar.
  • Contact Info has info on contacting SCARC members, Zoom info, and a map of this site.

This site will have a different layout on phones and tablets. The content is responsively displayed. The menu is accessed from the triple horizontal bar at the top, and the sidebar displays a the bottom.

Who is We?

Kevin Milner, KD0MA and Sue Ludtke, N0DBY, are mostly responsible for adding announcements. This version of our site was built by Bruce Wampler, WA7EWC, and he can make additions or changes to this site if you have suggestions.

Suggestions, Please

If you have any thoughts on what content we could add to this site, please let us know.

Old K0RV website: OLD WEBSITE


You can visit our old blog at

Note that the old blog has not been updated for a long time. If enough members like the idea of a blog, adding comments to posts on this site, or creating their own posts, we could add a new blog directly to this site. Let us know.